1698416 infected with corona virus in 184 countries around the world

1698416 infected with corona virus in 184 countries around the world

As of Saturday morning, the number of people living with the Coronavirus virus has approached 1.7 million, according to data released by the Johns Hopkins University website, which collects statistics on the victims.

The number of injured reached 1698,416 people in 184 countries around the world. Of them, more than 102,607,000 people died, and more than 376,000 were cured .

Since the beginning of the epidemic, more than half a million people have sought medical assistance in the United States, which is the first in the world in terms of the number of patients .

Among the five most affected countries were Spain (158.2 thousand), Italy (147.5 thousand), France (125.9 thousand) and Germany (122.1 thousand) .

Russia ranks 17th in the number of HIV cases among other countries, with 11,917 cases in the country .

In terms of the number of deaths, the United States remains the leader, with an estimated 1.4 people dying of coronavirus every minute in the country. 2108 He died there during the last day .

The outbreak of COVID-19 caused by a new type of coronavirus was first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, central China .

On March 11, the World Health Organization announced that the outbreak of this virus could be described as a global pandemic .