15 Syrians killed in clashes and shelling of Hama and Idlib

15 Syrians killed in clashes and shelling of Hama and Idlib

Fifteen people, mostly civilians, were killed Wednesday in a cross-border raid between the Syrian army and armed factions in the area of ​​reducing the escalation, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The London-based observatory said seven people, including four from one family, were three children and a woman who died on Wednesday in a bombing of the Syrian regime´s long-running hospital in Jisr al-Shughour and its environs west of Idlib.

"Two civilians were killed in the bombing of the factions on the town of al-Sakilibiya in the western suburb of Hama."

Two Islamic fighters were also killed in the bombing of Syrian planes targeting them in the village of Mardikh east of Idlib.

The Syrian Observatory to the killing of four members of the regime forces and militants loyal to the shelling of missiles and rockets on their positions north-west of Hama.

On the other hand, the official Syrian news agency (SANA) on Wednesday that "two civilians were martyred, and two others were injured as a result of terrorist attack organization of the front of the rocket-propelled grenades on the city of al-Sakilibiya."

This comes the day after three civilians were killed and six wounded in a similar bombardment of the villages of Jorin and Ain Selimo in the north-western Hama suburbs, the agency said.

The armed factions, including the Sham Liberation Organization (former Nasra Front), control Idlib and areas in southern Aleppo, Hama, North West and Lattakia.

These areas are covered by the Russian-Turkish agreement reached in September 2018 in Sochi on the establishment of a demilitarized zone separating the territory controlled by the Syrian Government and the armed opposition.

These areas are witnessing an escalation, the heaviest between the Syrian army and armed factions since April 30.