Mandela´s grandson: The occupation aims to remove Palestine from existence

Mandela´s grandson: The occupation aims to remove Palestine from existence

Mandla Mandela, grandson of the activist Nelson Mandela, said that we live in hope that grows day by day, like a seedling in the earth that we will emerge from the darkness and greet each other one one day in a free Palestine. 

"This is the example I wish to live for and achieve, and if necessary, I am prepared to die for this," the South African MP said during his participation in the "Colonial Plan to Seize the Palestinian Food Basket": "This is the example i wish to live for and achieve, and if necessary, I am prepared to die for this.

"Mandela the Grandson" added during the seminar: We talk about a subject so close to our beings and a painful reality that words hardly describe them.

"It´s the story of every stone that became a house for settlers, every olive tree uprooted from the valley, every drop of water that has been turned from the dry lips of Palestinian children, and every well filled with rubble to erase the possibility of life and living," he said.

"No matter how impossible and difficult the current situation may be, the pendulum of justice is always back to restore balance and the natural order of things," Mandela said.

"In the face of an attempt to annex the Palestinian food basket, the colonists have the military power, and the support of the United States and its friends in the East and the West."

"We have the weight of justice, a global network of human solidarity and unwavering hope for the future, and I hope to support us through 350 years of struggle for justice in our south African land," Mandela said.

Mandela addressed the experience of the struggle in South Africa and its approach to the Palestinian situation, explaining that South Africa had turned into a break stop that fed the colonial expansion project, which led to the expulsion of landowners into exile and confined the majority of blacks to a size of 13% of the country in areas that were called Banstantu Homelands.
"They are very similar to palestinian refugee camps in Jordan."

Mandela stressed that colonial projects are always accompanied by an insatiable appetite for expansion, large-scale expropriation and looting.

The height of that greed, which continued under the Zionist myth of a landless people for a land without a people, had witnessed seven decades of grand theft, taking away the full glory of daylight and in full view of the world.

Mandela warned: Today they have set their sights on the Jordan Valley and tomorrow it will be Jordan, Lebanon and Syria and who knows what next.

The united states of The United States is the only country in the world that has been able to overcome the crisis.

"In the face of the dream of occupying the greater State of Israel, we have only two options of resistance or surrender," Mandela said.

"We must be quick in our response and in mobilizing the largest network of human solidarity until the grand scheme of U.S.

President Donald Trump and the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, is stopped, the trick of the century," he said.

"As you reflect on the implications of annexing the Palestinian food basket, let me share with you the colonialism we have suffered in South Africa.

"The colonization of apartheid has left us with a deep legacy of inequality, land hunger, rural underdevelopment and urban informal development, the breakdown of social cohesion, crime, drugs, poverty, high levels of illiteracy, and unimaginable levels of unemployment, especially among young people," Mandela adds.

"I have no doubt that some of these issues are already facing our sisters and brothers in the Palestinian diaspora, especially those who are forced to live in the miserable conditions prevailing in refugee camps and similar places," he said.

"We must demand an end to this madness and we will continue to fight for justice for our Palestinian sisters and brothers and the right to exist in peace on their land of birth," he said.

Mandela called on the United Nations to take an lesson from South Africa´s struggle against apartheid and ensure a fair and equitable distribution of the Palestinians.

"My grandfather refused to give up the armed struggle in the face of the ongoing atrocities and brutality of the apartheid State."
He pointed out that "The Grandfather Mandela" was initially in his position that justice was a prerequisite for peace and that a negotiated settlement can become a reality only when all political prisoners are free, when all exiles are allowed to return and when all political parties are not banned.

Mandela called on the Government of South Africa and President Cyril Ramaphosa to use South Africa´s position as President of the African Union and its membership in the United Nations Security Council to exert pressure and mobilize everyone to stop this illegal annexation of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley.

He stressed the need to seize the opportunity to mobilize a global network of human solidarity unprecedented in human history.
He said: "We will no longer be satisfied that our land will continue to feed the greed of the power-hungry few. We are no longer satisfied with our position, because the peoples of Palestine, Western Sahara, Kashmir, Syria, Yemen, Myanmar and countless others in Latin America and the world are suffering from humiliation and crimes against humanity, which have degraded them as human beings and our silence about their victory will make us complicit in their suffering."

Mandela called on the Government of South Africa and President Cyril Ramaphosa to use South Africa´s position as President of the African Union and its membership in the United Nations Security Council to exert pressure and mobilize everyone to stop this illegal annexation of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley.

He stressed the need to seize the opportunity to mobilize a global network of human solidarity unprecedented in human history.

He said: "We will no longer be satisfied that our land will continue to feed the greed of the power-hungry few. We are no longer satisfied with our position, because the peoples of Palestine, Western Sahara, Kashmir, Syria, Yemen, Myanmar and countless others in Latin America and the world are suffering from humiliation and crimes against humanity, which have degraded them as human beings and our silence about their victory will make us complicit in their suffering."

Mandela called for the unification of global efforts to build a vast network of human solidarity. "This is our only hope of stopping the annexation of the Palestinian territories. This is our only hope to hold the perpetrators of this massive injustice against the Palestinians to account."

Mandla Mandela is a politician who advocates just causes, notably the Palestinian cause, and he inherited the same values as his struggling grandfather, the pillars of the rule of law, after decades of apartheid policy against blacks.

At a 2019 seminar at the United Nations Office, he had called for no reference to be recognized for attempting to legalize the occupation in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

The symposium, "The Colonial Plan to Seize the Palestinian Food Basket", was organized by the Arab Organization for the Protection of Nature and the Arab Food Sovereignty Network, in collaboration with the Global Food Sovereignty Alliance.