The occupation decided to prevent the entry of everything related to construction materials into Gaza

The occupation decided to prevent the entry of everything related to construction materials into Gaza

The Israeli occupation authorities have decided to ban the entry of all building materials into the Gaza Strip from Tuesday, Palestinian media reported. 

She said the occupation authorities had decided to prevent the entry of all construction materials through the Karam Abu Salem crossing, including cement, gravel, iron and other materials that were part of the construction process. 

The sources indicated that the israeli occupation took the decision on the grounds that burning balloons continued to be fired from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel.

The Yediot Aharonot newspaper reported that more than 15 fires broke out during the day in the gaza cover by burning balloons, including 12 in the Eshkol regional council.

The Kerem Abu Salem crossing is the only commercial crossing for Gaza, through which construction materials, goods, fuel and food stuff needed by the Gaza Strip are introduced, and its closure would exacerbate a major economic and living crisis in the Gaza Strip.