The United Nations calls for strengthening international support for the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza

The United Nations calls for strengthening international support for the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza

Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator Ursula Muller called on the international community to ensure continued funding to help alleviate the challenges facing Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

"Despite my concern about the enormous challenges in the occupied Palestinian territories, the recent positive steps and the people I have met give me hope that there are opportunities for improvement and they must be seized," Mueller declared after the 6-day visit to occupied Palestine and Israel.

She said, "Until a viable political solution is reached, it is extremely important that the international community continue to provide support in a coherent and sustainable manner to meet the needs of the most vulnerable Palestinians. Member states must continue to support humanitarian aid in Gaza and the West Bank, and at the same time, they must It is working to revive a strong political dialogue and encourage long-term solutions to address the root causes of this crisis. "